§ 6-232. Appeal from action of zoning administrator.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Notice of Appeal. A person desiring to appeal the decision of the zoning administrator shall file a notice of appeal with the planning director within the time required by Section 6-226.


    Action on Appeal. The planning director shall set the matter for hearing before the planning commission and shall give notice of the hearing on the appeal in the time and manner set forth in Sections 6-210 and 6-211.


    De Novo Hearing. The planning commission shall hear the appeal as it would an original application in the first instance. The commission may act upon the application, either granting it, conditionally granting it or denying it, irrespective of the precise details of the appeal. The applicant has the burden of proof.


    Decision on Appeal. The planning commission may reverse or affirm in whole or in part, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from. The decision of the planning commission on appeal may be appealed to the city council and the procedure is the same as in the case of an appeal from a decision of the planning commission (Section 6-233).

(Ord. No. 656, § 1(exh. A), 5-14-2018)