§ 6-237. Reconsideration.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The zoning administrator or the planning commission, as the case may be, may reconsider its decision upon request from an interested party to do so if it determines that new or different facts that could not have been presented previously warrant the reconsideration.


    The request for reconsideration shall be filed in writing within the time allowed to appeal, setting forth the factual or legal matters which were not considered. The zoning administrator or the planning commission shall act upon the request at the next meeting. If the request is denied, the time to appeal is extended only the number of days required to hear and decide the request. If the request is granted, each person recording his appearance at the initial hearing is entitled to mailed notice of the time of the new hearing.

(Ord. No. 656, § 1(exh. A), 5-14-2018)